Customize the driver-object (cls.selenium)

The selenium-attribute of the seleniumhelpers.SeleniumTestCase` is created in the seleniumhelpers.SeleniumTestCase.getDriver() classmethod. You can override this method if you have more advanced needs than the simple customizations provided by the default implementation.


This example makes it possible to run Firefox3.6 if SELENIUM_BROWSER=="Firefox3.6":

from seleniumhelpers import SeleniumTestCase
from selenium import webdriver

class CustomSeleniumTestCase(SeleniumTestCase):
    def getDriver(cls, browser, use_rc):
        if browser == 'Firefox3.6':
            return webdriver.Remote('desired_capabilities': {'browser_name': browser,
                                                             'version': '3.6'})
            return super(CustomSeleniumTestCase, self).getDriver(browser, use_rc)